Toeta allkirjaga püüdlusi parandada loomade eluolu

Eesti Loomakaitse Seltsi listis ilmus täna selline teade (all lühendatult):


Edastan 3 võimalust, kuidas saaksite panustada oma allkirja ja/või arvamusega loomade heaolu parandamisse.

Hobuste väärkohtlemine teel tapamajja EL-s !

2007. aasta detsembris avaldas MTV3 pildimaterjali hobustest, keda veeti läbi Euroopa tapamajja. Hobused pidid oma viimasel teekonnal kannatama kohutava vägivalla all. Neid peksti halastamatult paksude keppidega, isegi tiineid märasid ei säästetud väljakannatamatust piinast. Varsad sündisid kaose ja kannatuste keskele, kust nad siis korjati üles inimese toidulauale.
45-minutilise saate pildimaterjal on näha siin:

Hobused said tunda inimese suure julmuse läbi põhjustatud valu ja kannatusi.

Hobuste jalad olid murdunud, kuid sellest hoolimata pidid nad seisma edasi, neid trasporditi pikka aega. Paanikas hobused püüdsid otsida põgenemisteed löömiste ja vägivalla eest, kuid asjatult.

Mida sina võid teha?

Anna oma allkiri Uma Aaltose ja Minna Vitikaise poolt loodud aadressile! (eestikeelne tõlge on lehel allpool)
Teemast Eesti meedias:,

Collecting 1 million signatures

EU Parliamentary Member Alain Hutchinson needs 1 million signatures in order to present the project “European Convention for Animals Rights” to the Parliament.

A member of the European Parliament, Mr. Alain Hutchinson, is committed to cooperate with animal welfare and to get a “European Convention Protecting Pets and Stray Animals” passed as soon as possible.

He needs 1 million signatures in order to present the project to the Parliament. That means we need to get hard at work and collect those signatures.

The preamble of the proposed European Constitution states that “The Union plans to advance towards progress and civilisation”. Respect for animal life is a hindrance neither to progress nor economic and social development. A Union that wishes to be coherent and to advance on the road of civilization is under every obligation to deal with the issue of animal welfare and to ensure that it is dealt with properly by all of its Member States. An ever progressing Union must respect life in all of its forms and do everything in its power to put a stop to the massacres currently being perpetrated on animals.
Please sign the petition and pass along:

******************************************************************************* Tell China: Don’t reverse tiger trade ban!

Fewer than 5,000 tigers are estimated to remain in the wild, and they too may disappear unless more effective efforts are made to halt illegal trade.
Illegal markets in China drive most tiger poaching. Although China banned the import, export, sale and purchase of tiger products in 1993, it announced last year that the trade ban had not worked and that it had seriously impacted the culture and health of its citizens. China then proposed to farm tigers for their bones and skin.
Tiger farms are inhumane and they could not meet demand for tiger parts. Also, people prefer wild over farmed tiger parts for traditional medicine, and legal trade in farmed tiger parts will encourage poaching of wild tigers.
Sign HSI’s petition today to ask the Chinese government to permanently ban tiger trade. Signatures collected by Monday, January 21, 2008 will be presented to policy makers in China at an upcoming conference.

Evelyn Valtin
Eesti Loomakaitse Selts

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